Dilly Dally Alley w/ 26 Bats!, Rabeca, + Big Blue Moon

Fri, Nov 22

Dilly Dally Alley w/ 26 Bats!, Rabeca, + Big Blue Moon Cover

5:30PM DOORS 7PM SHOW $15 ADVANCE $22 DAY OF SHOW ABOUT BIG BLUE MOON Big Blue Moon is the exciting, brand-new jazz project of Nick Baker, Matt Beachey, and Satchel Bruna. This Minneapolis-based piano trio draws from different eras of improvised music to create a fresh, bright sound that is guaranteed to expand your mind. These three musicians have a decade of background in the indie rock world, and now they finally have an outlet for improvisational flow, communicating together onstage so that every show is a different experience. Creating and improvising, without worrying about what jazz should be. ABOUT RABECA Minneapolis’ Rabeca never stays in one place for too long—each song meanders from meditative solos to upbeat drum shuffles and rich chordal harmonies. The quintet first joined forces at a living room cabaret performance in 2019 and have since melded their unique musical tastes into a unique ear-grabbing niche. Drawing on their individual backgrounds in jazz and rock n' roll, Rabeca fuses improvised solos with catchy hooks. Their debut album Potluck (2020) captured the band’s love for a good meal while their most recent release Junk (2023) reflects current themes of quarantine and longing amidst the digital age. Rabeca is Alex (keys/vox), Anna (saxophone/vox), Colleen (guitar/vox), David (bass), and Satchel (drums). ABOUT 26 BATS! circus pop for aminals, goblins, fairies and freaks from mpls ABOUT DILLY DALLY ALLEY Since releasing their debut album in May of last year, Dilly Dally Alley has gained local and global reputability for their “pop smarts, soulful grooves, deft dance vibes” from sources like A&R Factory, Broken 8 Records, The Current, MPR, RacketMN, and more. Ultimately, Dilly hopes that their more-than-jazz sound inspires audiences to dance a little harder, love a little better, and be a better caretaker for the communities they belong to.